We are pleased to announce that as of October 1, 2021, Telemedical Innovations Sp. z o.o. became an official partner of the MedSilesia cluster.
Thus, an opportunity has opened up for us to create the most innovative solutions on the Polish soil on the border of medicine and the latest technologies.
Membership in MedSilesia is a guarantee of interdisciplinary cooperation with scientific, economic, and local government communities.
Telemedical Innovations Sp. z o.o., thanks to close cooperation with the cluster, gains access to:
- all industry development services,
- specialist knowledge, also in the field of obtaining EU funds,
- key scientific units from the area of Silesia,
- cooperation with the most important organizations in the industry, both in Poland and abroad.
The MedSilesia Cluster – Silesian Network of Medical Devices is an extremely effective cooperation platform for universities, research and development units, and entrepreneurs.
MedSilesia’s areas of specialization include ICT in medicine, medical robotics, cardiac surgery, geriatrics, as well as modern surgical and orthopedic instruments.
MedSilesia is very important for the national economy and high international competitiveness. Thanks to this cooperation, Telemedical Innovations Sp. z o.o. becomes one of the most important players in the development of the medical technology market.
We invite you to continue browsing the news and observe the development of the company in the Polish and international arena.